Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Baby Murray#4 is a... Boy!

Here is the cake from our "Baby Cake Reveal."
Laura was very tricky in icing the blue cake with pink frosting and then covering it with white frosting.... I so thought it was a girl when I saw the cake. You could totally see the pink through the white! We had the cake reveal at youth group a few weeks ago, so all the youth kids got to be apart of the excitement. We are totally excited to have an even boy-girl ratio. So far, no names nailed down.. We do know the middle name will be Powell, but still undecided for the first name! We have used all the baby names we had...so for Baby #4 we are having to get creative....or just put more thought into it! I had my OB appointment today and everything was great. He has been measuring about 10 days ahead of schedule for about 2 months now.. so we will see if he continues at this rate. Heart rate was 151. My next appointment is the lovely glucose test..Can't wait! Hopefully one day I will manage to get Halloween pictures up!?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Pre-School and Birthdays

My babies started pre-school this fall. It has been a huge adjustment. We have NEVER had to get up and leave the house by 8 on a regular basis. Life altering! Thankfully, William usually doesn't have to be at work until 9, so he can help with drop off...which has been especially nice with morning sickness. Rainey is enjoying Mommy time as well as spending some quality time with my Grandmother in the mornings.

John and Clara Grace turned 5 a few weeks back.We celebrated with a party at the inflattables place.. which was their dream party. It was a nice Ariel/ SpiderMan party...nice combo ..right?
It doesn't seem possible that my sweet, tiny babies could be 5 years old. They come home from school and inform me of new things they learned. It is wonderful, but sad at the same time. We have almost completed our first season of soccer for John. He is actually pretty good for his first attempt. He is not scared of the ball and runs the field like a champ. The girls are still in ballet and are preparing for their Christmas recital.

Tomorrow I will be 18 weeks pregnant. We head to the doctor on Tuesday for an ultrasound. William and I are not going to find out what the sex is, but have the technician write it on a note card to be put into 3 envelopes... to keep me from cheating. We will then take the card to our friend, Laura, who will make a cake for Sunday night Youth Group. We will cut into the cake and everyone will find out at one time if it is a boy or girl.. Let me clarify.. the inside of the cake will be dyed pink or blue. We are totally excited to know what Murray #4 will be!

Friday, September 4, 2009

13 weeks is my #!

Today I am 13 weeks pregnant. I heard something very depressing also... I have 189 day left until my due date! ugh! Stomach has gotten a little bit better, but exhaustion is still the same. I keep saying that I have never felt this tired before, but I have not ever had three kids before either. I watched an amazing show today about a baby's gestation period with incredible new animation. It was like a 4D ultrasound at every week of pregnancy and to see the amazing growth that takes place in the first trimester. Although I must say.. I am very happy to see the first trimester go and am hoping for a great second trimester that involves feeling better!

John and Clara Grace start preschool on Tuesday. They seem to be excited...I am too. It will be really hard to get up every morning and get going. We have never had to do that on a regular basis. Pray for me!
Rainey will start MDO on Thurday.
Clara Grace and Rainey have chosen to take ballet this fall and I must say are too cute in their little outfits. John chose to play soccer which he is strangely good at considering he has never played before. Lots happening the Murray house and Momma can barely keep up!

Monday, July 20, 2009

OH Baby!~

Baby #4 is on the way.. Surprising I know. So, we actually waited almost two weeks before we told anyone this time around which is a world record for us! Stay posted for updates~!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


So, summer is as busy as ever. But last weekend we got a Sunday off! I know.. I can't believe it myself. We went to Sumatanga of course and had a relaxing couple of days with a little b day dinner out with my husband. Always Nice! The kids have been taking swim lessons for the past two weeks and the next two weeks to come! They have made huge progress and pics are to come. John of course is Mr. Fearless! Lots of excited things to come..

Friday, May 15, 2009


Our trip to the Georgia Aquarium

John and Clara Grace

Clara Grace

all of them looking at the fish

We have been planning to go since last September, but have never have the time to commit. The kids did not quite understand where we were going except that Nemo, Dory, and Bruce would be there! We spent about 3 hours there including our $40 lunch.. ugh! They take a family portrait before you enter the aquarium and then you can go look at it...of course it is just a ploy to buy it... which I did because we do not have any good family photos! Overall a great family outing!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

1 year Anniversary and nonsense.....Kids gone wild!

Today is the one year anniversary of my Grandfather's death. There has been so much going on lately with family squabbles and ridiculousness that this anniversary has taken an unexpected toll on me. I was aware the day was coming, but had really pushed it out of my mind until this morning when it hit me like a ton of bricks. Pray for my understanding of the "nonsense" going on with the family and that he can be at peace.

On a lighter note.
I took the kids to Chik-fil-A last night because William had a meeting to go to.... We ate inside because it was windy and then went outside to play. Shortly there after, Rainey wet her pants... she has been doing really well, but accidents still happen when she get preoccupied. So, I tell them it is time to leave. The twins come down and get there shoes on...we are ready, except for Rainey. She refuses to come down. So, for the next 15 minutes, I stand at the bottom trying to convince her to come down. I was really about to lose it! I send Clara Grace up to get her and she tries her best. In the process she pulled Rainey's hair, which normally she would get in trouble for, but in this circumstance got Rainey to come down the slide ( to tell on Clara Grace for pulling her hair). What an afternoon. Rather that spankings ( because I was still very angry)... we went straight home, took a bath, and they were put to bed at 6PM. John and Clara Grace also managed to get in trouble during Rainey's little rebellion. Clara Grace had a kiddie cone and I was trying to throw it away because it was melting. She squeezed it as hard as she could and it went all over the ground! Then John got mad because we traded the toy for an ice cream. Now, this is after he had eaten the ice cream....so he threw a toy at me in the car. WOW! This is the day that every mother dreads. To top it off, Rainey refused to stay in the bed. I had to pick her up and put her back in her bed 17 times... not kidding.. I counted!
Rant is over!
I am so excited we are going to see Wilco tomorrow night! No Meals of Mercy, No kids.... No church responsibilities! Yipee!
And one more prayer request. I am taking Rainey to the dentist in the morning for the first time. As our most dramatic child, I am sure it will be interesting!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Sick Children

I am sure other mothers with young families feel my pain, but are we ever going to be healthy?
I really am beginning to doubt the likelihood of this ever happening.
So, Clara Grace testes positive for flu b last Monday. All was well and she seemed to bounce back quickly. Rainey woke up Wednesday morning with a 103 fever and it never broke. Thursday night we went to an urgent care place and they gave her fluids and antibiotics and sent us on our way. The whole night I was uneasy about the whole situation and could not rest. So the next morning we go to our regular pediatrician and they tell us that she has flu a, flu b, pneumonia, and is dehydrated. ugh! She had never once coughed! Well, they right us admissions orders and send us to the hospital. No sooner do I get to the car, then William is calling saying Clara Grace has blood in her urine and Mimi is bringing her to the drs office. ( Mimi had come to get the twins to spend the night so we could get some rest) haha! I call the drs office to ask if they can see her and pretty much lose it on the phone. How can I take care of both of these babies at the same time. Rainey and I go on to the hospital and get checked in. She ends up having to get 2 IVs put in because the first one blew out and then she got stuck 3 more time. Bless her heart! I was crying right there with her....as all the nurses held her down.
To cut a long story... we are home now, after 3 nights in the hospital. Clara Grace is getting better and oh... John has the flu now. I swear, what can happen next.

Last but not least, Thanks to everyone for prayers, food, goodies for children, and kinds words. Tough times show you great friends!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


This is the whole clan at the Marriott in Florence.

As most of you may know, William's grandmother passed away last Sunday. I never got to truly meet Meow Meow. She has been suffering from dementia for the past 13 years. I know of her from many stories that are shared often among William's family. Meow Meow aka Elizabeth Rainey King was who we named our "Rainey Elizabeth" after. We traveled to Mississippi to see Meow about a month ago. She only knew who William was, but thought he brought some really cute kids. She did not understand that they were his children because she still knows him as a young boy. The kids all took their picture with her and John sang all of his classics(Jesus Loves Me, Amazing Grace, This Little Light of Mine) and they all said the Lord's Prayer for her.

We know Meow is in a glorious place now and that she is watching over us.

We went to Florence last Tuesday and we all stayed at the new Marriott, which was an adventure. All of in one hotel room is not very fun. The service was very sweet and William said a few words. It was a great time to see family that we don't often see and celebrate Meow's life.
Elizabeth Rainey King and Rainey Elizabeth Murray

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

John showing off in front of the youth kids. They got to eat every meal with us at camp.
Melissa, Shari, David, and myself on top of the mountain.

Last weekend was Behold at Camp Sumatanga. Despite the adults not being wild over the speaker or the band... the youth had a great time. I have decided that is doesn't matter where you take teenager....as long as it is away from home.. they will have fun! It was sooo cold, but the kids(my personal kids) got to enjoy some of the entertainment. They each took turns going to hear the band play over the weekend. John of course loved it! The girls, while enjoying seeing all the youth kids, did not care that much about it! Rainey started complaining with her ear on Friday night.. just in time.. right? Her ear was draining pretty bad, so she was pretty irritable all weekend too. We went to the top of the mountain during free time, had a campfire, and had quite a few other exciting moments (sick teenager, falling in creeks, ripping pants, ect)!

Meals of Mercy ( which is a free meal ministry) started on Wednesday night at our church 2 weeks ago. Somehow, I ended up in charge of the whole thing. Me being the excellent cook that I am! HA! Cooking for over 200 is a learning experience...and shopping for it.. I have been to Wal-Mart at least 15 times in the past 3 weeks! ugh! Along with our normal Wednesday night fellowship dinner, we have had alot of needy people coming for dinner. Every week it gets bigger, as the word spreads. Please keep this ministry in your prayers. That we will have the financial support to continue and that we will be able to help as many as possible. Praise report: Last week at Worship at the Bridge we had 7 Meals of Mercy people and 4 of those attended a Sunday school class!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Feeding 300!

So as usual, I have volunteered myself into huge undertaking! We are starting Meals of Mercy on Wednesday night, along with our normal fellowship dinner. Meals of Mercy is a free hot meal to anyone who wants it! Free- Hot- Home Cooked! All of these things prove to be a challenge. So Val, who has been doing the Monday meal for about 8 years now, has committed 6 weeks to helping me. So, I am in learning mode. I barely cook for the five of us, let alone 300! We have had alot of church members volunteer, but mostly ask where the money is coming from. Which we answer, "The Lord will provide." And I know he will!
Week 1 : We are having Spaghetti, Salad, Garlic Bread, and Cake! I made the cake today. I again, am not a baker! So it is boxed.. because that is my skill level and it was $0.88 a box! So I had to figure out how to use one of those industrial mixers. Which I must say, is very cool. I got 9 boxes of cake mix and all the added ingredients in there. Very impressive! Convection ovens are pretty amazing also. I wish I had one at home!
Please pray that our meal goes off without a hitch tomorrow night and we can continue this mission in our community.
Matthew 14-: 13-21
13When Jesus heard what had happened, he withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place. Hearing of this, the crowds followed him on foot from the towns. 14When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick.
15As evening approached, the disciples came to him and said, "This is a remote place, and it's already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food."
16Jesus replied, "They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat."
17"We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish," they answered.
18"Bring them here to me," he said. 19And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. 20They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. 21The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children.




the Twinkies

the Twinkies

Murray Family Pictures

Murray Family Pictures