Friday, September 4, 2009

13 weeks is my #!

Today I am 13 weeks pregnant. I heard something very depressing also... I have 189 day left until my due date! ugh! Stomach has gotten a little bit better, but exhaustion is still the same. I keep saying that I have never felt this tired before, but I have not ever had three kids before either. I watched an amazing show today about a baby's gestation period with incredible new animation. It was like a 4D ultrasound at every week of pregnancy and to see the amazing growth that takes place in the first trimester. Although I must say.. I am very happy to see the first trimester go and am hoping for a great second trimester that involves feeling better!

John and Clara Grace start preschool on Tuesday. They seem to be excited...I am too. It will be really hard to get up every morning and get going. We have never had to do that on a regular basis. Pray for me!
Rainey will start MDO on Thurday.
Clara Grace and Rainey have chosen to take ballet this fall and I must say are too cute in their little outfits. John chose to play soccer which he is strangely good at considering he has never played before. Lots happening the Murray house and Momma can barely keep up!




the Twinkies

the Twinkies

Murray Family Pictures

Murray Family Pictures