Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I need a Drink!

Well, maybe a drink and a vacation. This has been an insane week. My grandfather fell, in my yard, on Friday. Of course he was doing something I told him not to...it sounds like I am talking about one of my kids, but no. His willingness to help is of course always appreciated. We just found out today that he has a "mashed vertebrae". So...he has not been able to drive since the fall and is in alot pain. Since my Grandmother can't drive and now he can't....it puts a small damper on them. They are so scared of being a hindrance on people and of losing their independence. This is my first full contact dealing with ailing grandparents and I am struggling.
They have always been my rock, my oasis, and my stability in life. It so upsetting to not be able to help them more. All I can think about is losing my other Grandfather in April and how challenging that was.

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful." Hebrews 10:23

Monday, September 1, 2008

Mom's Day Out: The Answer to My Prayers

Mom's Day Out start this week and I cannot tell you how excited I am. I have been looking foward to it all summer. Now, don't get me wrong, I love staying home with my kids, but I need a break. What will I do with my time? 5 whole hours of "Me Time"....
The kids are just as excited as I am... everytime we pass their school... they cheer.
We are still as busy as ever, with little down time. We are trying to plan the twins birthday party, which is depressing at times. It is so hard for me to believe that my babies are going to be four. The whole first year of their life was such a blur and I feel like I don't remember as much as I should. John is having a hard time deciding what kind of birthday cake he wants and what he wants to be for Halloween. (Spider Man, General Grievous from Star Wars, Dash from the Incredibles, Batman....just to name a few) Clara Grace on the other hand has never changed. She will be Alice from Alice in Wonderland for Halloween(which Mimi is making) and she will have a Cinderella and Prince Birthday Cake. Rainey has also made her mind up about Halloween....she will be Jack-Jack from the Incredibles. That is if I can find a costume. I think she is more interested in the fact that he is a baby. She is a little obsessed with babies at the moment. She wants one desperately. She also wants to watch home movies from when she was a baby constantly. Anyways....More to come....




the Twinkies

the Twinkies

Murray Family Pictures

Murray Family Pictures