Monday, March 23, 2009

Sick Children

I am sure other mothers with young families feel my pain, but are we ever going to be healthy?
I really am beginning to doubt the likelihood of this ever happening.
So, Clara Grace testes positive for flu b last Monday. All was well and she seemed to bounce back quickly. Rainey woke up Wednesday morning with a 103 fever and it never broke. Thursday night we went to an urgent care place and they gave her fluids and antibiotics and sent us on our way. The whole night I was uneasy about the whole situation and could not rest. So the next morning we go to our regular pediatrician and they tell us that she has flu a, flu b, pneumonia, and is dehydrated. ugh! She had never once coughed! Well, they right us admissions orders and send us to the hospital. No sooner do I get to the car, then William is calling saying Clara Grace has blood in her urine and Mimi is bringing her to the drs office. ( Mimi had come to get the twins to spend the night so we could get some rest) haha! I call the drs office to ask if they can see her and pretty much lose it on the phone. How can I take care of both of these babies at the same time. Rainey and I go on to the hospital and get checked in. She ends up having to get 2 IVs put in because the first one blew out and then she got stuck 3 more time. Bless her heart! I was crying right there with all the nurses held her down.
To cut a long story... we are home now, after 3 nights in the hospital. Clara Grace is getting better and oh... John has the flu now. I swear, what can happen next.

Last but not least, Thanks to everyone for prayers, food, goodies for children, and kinds words. Tough times show you great friends!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


This is the whole clan at the Marriott in Florence.

As most of you may know, William's grandmother passed away last Sunday. I never got to truly meet Meow Meow. She has been suffering from dementia for the past 13 years. I know of her from many stories that are shared often among William's family. Meow Meow aka Elizabeth Rainey King was who we named our "Rainey Elizabeth" after. We traveled to Mississippi to see Meow about a month ago. She only knew who William was, but thought he brought some really cute kids. She did not understand that they were his children because she still knows him as a young boy. The kids all took their picture with her and John sang all of his classics(Jesus Loves Me, Amazing Grace, This Little Light of Mine) and they all said the Lord's Prayer for her.

We know Meow is in a glorious place now and that she is watching over us.

We went to Florence last Tuesday and we all stayed at the new Marriott, which was an adventure. All of in one hotel room is not very fun. The service was very sweet and William said a few words. It was a great time to see family that we don't often see and celebrate Meow's life.
Elizabeth Rainey King and Rainey Elizabeth Murray




the Twinkies

the Twinkies

Murray Family Pictures

Murray Family Pictures